Our services


Education: Enhance the faith awareness and religious knowledge within the Chinese Muslim community, and establish a platform and mechanism for providing high-quality guidance and nurturing for the next generation.


Religious Affairs: Support and promote religious activities within the Chinese Muslim community, including prayer, fasting, Zakat, pilgrimage, and animal sacrifice.


Community Services: Coordinate resources to provide services such as job placement, marriage introductions, psychological counseling, and charitable assistance for the Chinese Muslim community.


Social Engagement: Represent the Chinese Muslim community in establishing good relations with various sectors of society. This includes promoting unity and mutual support among Chinese Muslims and other ethnic Muslim communities, as well as developing outreach and exchange activities directed towards non-Muslim Chinese individuals.

Annual Eid Gatherings

Marriage-related services
Communal and Cultural Events

Together, We Thrive

We aspire to serve the community as best as possible, and we look forward to your suppport and contribution in our various projects and engagements.